You’ve undoubtedly downloaded a white paper or two in your life.

Most times you would have simply done a google search on a particular topic and then come across a couple of links that suggested that there was a document out there that contained previously unrevealed truths or facts about a particular topic.

The term comes from the UK where the  government would produce reports printed on white paper giving information or proposals on a government issue. Think of it as a positioning statement with some facts, sentiments etc prior to actual legislation or promulgation into law.

Papers for debate would be referred to as green papers and are published for consultation and opinion by the time a white paper is out.

Commercially produced white papers have a decidedly strange characteristic to them. They are somewhere in the realm of brochures and research with position statements. Unfortunately the quality of content varies wildly some have some significant content, analysis and considered opinion while others are nothing more than a brochure to justify the existence of a given product or service.

One thing that you can be certain of, not all white papers are created equal.

Categories: Literature