There is a concept known as a literary trope. Basically i’ts where we see characteristics in a particular character in literature bleed over from real-life or in fact into it.

For those not familiar with Eeyore, he is a mostly sad, depressing glass-half-full and woe-is-me character that you’ll find in the writings of AA Milne. He is contrast character with the rather simple-minded upbeat and optmistic Winnie the Pooh bear. Eeyore is also a character that can be contrasted with the somewhat dim witted, overly anxious Piglet character. 

Eeyore tends to have a low opinion of the other animals in the 100-acre-wood. He describes “some of them” as having “No brain at all“…they have “only grey fluff that’s blown into their heads by mistake” – Eeyore is almost certainly referring to these other two characters but may also be referring to the rambunctious Tigger.

Almost all of us know an Eeyore or two in real-life or in the workplace. If they’re in our team, they can be a real problem.

Watch out for the Eeyores, they can be work corrosive. There is also often contempt from them for others even though they’re hardly necessarily stellar performers themselves.

Spot them or work out who they are.

Neutralise them by not giving them the airtime to convey negative sentiments and avoid servicing the opportunity to crush the enthusiasm of the rest of the team.

If you have the ability to influence them in a positive way to find the good and uphold the true and optimistic  – do so, if not, you’ll have a job finding work for them to do that they can’t shirk because they may always be blaming others for their inability to be effective!